about this blog. i mean, truly, i just completely forgot. basically,we've all gone back the somewhat of a jailhouse [and yet i coud still call it somewhat of a santuary] we call school a week back. it's been, schoolish i suppose. more assesments and such though, only for right now, with the yearlies approaching. my aunts been living with us a while. she bought me an ipod, which is radical.
ipod classic, 120gb. could i be any more cool? no. no; that's the answer. but anyway, nothing else has really happened that i really would like to spam you about. wait, wait. i remember something i can rant about.
wednesday is sports day our our school and it was pretty much pouring down on us, leving us sportsless. i figured that there'd be rain the day before because of the magic man on tv, so took some awesome 'imported' dvd's to watch while we were meant to be 'sporting'. michael took my dark knight copy so that his unsportful friends and himself could watch it during their time of unsportfulness so i took wall-e to mine. when it came to movie picking time, i offered the dvd to the teacher 'in charge' and announced that we should watch it, most definatly. *insert quiet cheers of agreement* but no, apparently some other teacher's been sacked for playing a pirated dvd to a class. so naay, we watched stick it. which quite frankly, isn't too dodgy. but after seeing it 32469578 times it just gets a bit 'recitable'. not to mention it was up against wall-e.
another thing was, the other class with the dark knight actually got to watch the movie. you know, thanks to my brilliant movie bringing ideas. i proceeded to rant at my friends about it for the next half hour or so.
on a better note, here's something i found while stumbling over the internet. check it out, it freaks me out, it's also very pretty, i could watch it forever. the facts howeever aren't so pretty. haha, i sound like al gore.