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blogs do NOT equal angsty emo rants.
come on and lift me up its a brand new day
open up a little happiness today
so i can be someone new
come on and lift me up to a better wa)
open up a smile on another face
so i can feel something new
well, you're standing next to me.
hey, i'm known as joyeeta, joy, jo. whatever 'tickles your fancy'. i love my music. that's a lie. my music is horrible. i like other peoples music. that's true. as for tv; house. little britain, scrubs. two and a half men. too many movies to list all of them, but the dark knight. wall-e. moulin rouge. juno. edward scissorhands. little miss sunshine. nightmare before christmas. are a few. i really won't even try to list the music. too much music. i don't want to vomit up too much information incase there's some crazy stalkers out there. i'm looking at you crazy stalker.
things on my to do list.
you're the most beautiful, perfect person i've ever come across, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
i don't care what all you people say, i've known her for longer than you have, you ignorant f**ks.
time is running out - muse
period one
a plain morning - dashboard confessional
period two
disloyal order of the buffalos - fall out boy [ buzz buzz buzz.. ]
high school never ends - bowling for soup
preiods three and four
sex changes - the dresden dolls
period five
everything is just wonderful - lily allen
period six
bad day - daniel powder
the secret stars - death cab for cutie
period seven
open happiness - various artists
period eight
do you see what i see ? - panic at the disco
beg your pardon - josh pyke
this was fun.
also i finally watched a shawshank redemption. what a crazily good movie. now i get all the pop culture references! hurrah to myself! funny thing is, it's a pretty predictable movie, you can guess what's going to happen, but only a few seconds before it happens. it's like. *pause in speech* oh i get it, he's going to shoot him. *shoots* oh cool, i was right. wait. HE'S DEAD! *sobsob* they SO shouldn't have killed C+ elvis guy. damn. anyway, i'm planning on watching that again sometime this week so that i can do that sophomore watch thing where i'm like ' hah! he thinks he'll be okay now, but see what's happens to you LATER in the movie. ' most fun .
i've decided to dedicate my weekends to sleep. i slept like 10 hours friday night, then got up, went to a baby shower. oh there were like 1031986921846 kids under the age of 4 there. it was like a melt party. but this one 8 month old particularly liekd me. so i stole him. heehee. and then i came home from that and went to sleep and woke up at like 7 and had dinner and watched the movie and then went to bed and woke up at like 10. and ate beakfast and played the sims. AHHH the sims 3 is comng out soon. *does dance* JUNEJUNEJUNEJUNE! also, i want to restart reading ARCHIE. i miss that guy. and jughead. am i betty or veronica ? maybe i'll find some lame internet quiz about that.
ok i found a quiz. i'm betty. pretty much completely happy with that. veronica is a bitch. most of the time i guess.
my mum tells me that, i should be afraid of stragers. specifically -
- strangers that look dangerous
- strangers who don't look dangerous, they are lurking behind fake normal person masks, just waiting to JUMP OUT AND KILL YOU.
- strangers that walk behind you
- strangers that walk weirdly slow
- strangers that drive too slow next to you
- strangers that stop next to you and start looking at maps. even if they ARE driving delivery trucks and it would make sense for them to be looking for directions, THIS BEHAVIOUR IS ODD and must be monitored.
- strangers with candy, strangers with guns.
- strangers who say hello to you
- strangers who are strange.
when i have to get something from the kitchen at night, i turn on ALL the lights on the way, and even then i'm scared that if i open the fridge, there'll be some killer sitting there with an eskimo hood with a bazooka. so i open fridge doors slowly and if theres no bazooka man in there, i have a split second of relief and then i turn around and i see that outside it's pitch black and i run, switching off all the lights on the way and close my door and crawl into the sheets because if there's no bazooka man, 40 calliber man is probably hiding in the dark outsid emy house waiting for the perfect angle to penetrate my heart. [ sudden thought, are girls with massive busts harder to kill than others ? ] and then when i get into the covers i have to hum island in the sun to myself because for some reason that's the only song that makes me feel safe and distracts me from the qeuit groaning of the house that would otherwise be INAUDIBLE but in my state of paranoi they scream loudly in my ear and it just HAS to be jack the ripper, standing under my bed with a chainsaw and he's going to hack my to bits from inderneath.
and then i'll fall asleep and i'll be warm and comfortable and i'll move my leg and there's suddly a thud on the wooden floor below me and it is, i know it is this time, that assasin ninja that is out to slice me because his sensei told him of an ancient tale of an evil forked tongue lady and they've mistaken me for her. and again, i lull myself to sleep and wake up to find that my teddy house [ complete with arms and windows and smiles ] had been kicked by my careless foot onto the floor.
now this is most definitly not a common occurance but it's happened once or twice and it sucks. sometimes i just run in and out of the kitchen and it's ok, just a sudden heart race when i see the dark but i don't picture the who and whats. oh and sometimes i hear my dogs dog tags clinking together when he walks around and i think it's one of those bells hat they put on peoples graves ringing. those ones they put just incase the person's alive. then i think zombies. but nothing really makes sense because i don't have a grave in or around my home. but it still creeps the heck out of me. i hate being afraid.
his name was johnny bass [really good looking]
but enuff of him
kals here :D:D:D:D
the awesome man its cos im a hektik tb :D
and my voice cracked :D:D:D
now i can sing loooow
me and jo just wrote a coolio song and it rhymes
and jo says she will type it out later. but i dont trust her
she procastinates too much
:) but i still love her
ok now onto the best topic ever
virgy :)
photos, and text, and awesome words, and images and publishing by KAL :D
1. What is your name : Joyeeta
2. A four Letter Word : Junk
3. A boy's Name : Jack
4. A girl's Name : Jill
5. An occupation : Janitor
6. A color : Jade
7. Something you'll wear : Jacket
9. A food : Jubes
10. Something found in the bathroom: Jar
11. A place : Jamberroo
12. A reason for being late : Jizzed in my pants.
13. Something you'd shout: Jebus Christ!
14. A movie title: Jungle Book
15. Something you drink: Jelly Joy
16. A musical group :
17. An animal : Jaguar
18. A street name: Jupiter St [ or ave, i forget ]
19. A type of car : Jetta [ volkswagon ]
20. The title of a song : Jitterbug
[ six ay em - click it. ]
It started with a homework overload. Or not really, just assignments we should have done earlier. Working. Working. Working. Virginia finished hers and watched me do my work for a while, then asked me if i wanted to pull an all nighter. I said sure, why not and we began our night long trek into awakedness.
compiled of sitting and being bored. some really random moments. falling asleep. moments of almost giving up. important talks. moments of HYPER. good times. yeah.
and the day after was strange and dizzy. i didn't feel tried at all, but could fall asleep in an instant. fell asleep everywhere. mainly just my brain slept all day. i don't remember half the day, i'm doubting it ever existed. i think this is what it's like to be on drugs. high and tired. then i went to work. and was alright. long long day.
i want to do it again .
(L) romeo.
Stef, you are pretty innfluencial (:
My blog dislikes the score sheet thingo, so just basically, my higest traits were need to dominate, artistic. perter pan complex and family drive. My lowest were religious, hedonism, narcissism , adventurousness and avoidant.
Stability results were medium which suggests you are moderately relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.
Extraversion results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based iden
trait snapshot:
clean, self revealing, open, organized, outgoing, social, enjoys leadership and managing others, dominant, makes friends easily, does not like to be alone, assertive, hard working, finisher, optimistic, positive, likes to stand out, likes large parties, respects authority, practical, high self esteem, perfectionist, dislikes chaos, busy, not familiar with the dark side of life, controlling, high self control, traditional, tough, likes to fit in, conforming, brutally honest, takes precautions
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
January 2010
March 2010
May 2011
October 2012